cloud projects
cloud projects is a maker and publisher of critical, intimate, and beautiful books. based in Kuala Lumpur, but with an eye toward Southeast Asia, we work at the intersection of art, architecture, and history. through rigorous research and inventive design, we excavate knowledge networks and forge worlds of possibility.
we are always on the lookout for new writers, artists, designers, collaborators. many of our projects have developed from undergraduate theses, spun from long forgotten manuscripts, or hashed out under the glowing flouresence of a late night mamak sesh. if you've seen some of our previous work and have an idea for a book project, reach out to us via email.
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All the Lands Within the Seas
︎︎︎Exhibition Brochure

This project originally took its form as an exhibition at The Back Room in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, entitled “All the Lands Within the Seas,” held from 16 October – 14 November 2021. “All the Lands Within the Seas: The Narrative Storytelling Card Game” emerged out of this exhibition to not only creatively document our output, but also to put the curatorial power in the hands of players.
The Korean version of the card game is released alongside the exhibition “To A Faraway Friend: Beyond Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities,” held at the ASEAN Culture House in Busan, Korea, from 2 July – 2 October 2022.
“All the Lands Within the Seas” began as a project to understand the port of Melaka, its lon history, and its continuing legacy. Through a curated selection of visual works – historical, contemporary, and fictional – we reimagine the interconnected networks that form the world of Melaka. At “To A Faraway Friend,” we extend our web to Korea, siting it as another pole from which we may figure a landscape.
In the third iteration of the project “All the Lands Within the Seas,” we bring Korea into the fold. Our installation at “To A Faraway Friend” layers, figuratively and literally, the manyfold representations of the Korean peninsula, Melaka, and the spaces in between. The frame holds layers of images, inviting seers to explore with a wandering gaze. Instead of the Cartesian world of geography, we make threads by sifting through the heaps of images that have gathered over centuries. In imagining connections between maritime histories that are separated by time and space– bound by serendipities, visuals, and history – we assemble another map of the world.
본 프로젝트는 2021년 10월 16일부터 11월 14일까지 쿠알라룸푸르 ‘더 백 룸(The Back Room)’에서 열린
전시 《바다 안의 모든 땅들》로 시작되었습니다. ‘바다 안의 모든 땅들: 스토리텔링 카드 게임’은 해당
전시의 결과물을 창의적으로 기록할 뿐만 아니라 플레이어가 이미지를 직접 큐레이팅하는 기회를
제공하고자 고안되었습니다. 한국어판 카드 게임은 2022년 7월 2일부터 10월 2일까지 부산
아세아문화원에서 열리는 《먼 곳의 친구에게, 아프로 동남아시아 연대를 넘어》와 함께 공개됩니다.
‘바다 안의 모든 땅들’은 항구 도시 말라카와 그 오랜 역사와 계속되는 유산을 이해하기 위한 프로젝트로
시작되었습니다. 선별된 역사적, 동시대적, 창의적 시각 작품들을 통해 말라카라는 세계를 형성한 상호
연결된 네트워크를 상상합니다. 《먼 곳의 친구에게》에서는 한국을 이러한 장면을 그려볼 수 있는 또
다른 기점으로 삼고 그 연결망을 한국으로 확장합니다.
‘바다 안의 모든 땅들’ 프로젝트의 세 번째 전시는 한국으로 범위를 확장합니다.
《먼 곳의 친구에게》에서 선보이는 설치 작품은 비유적으로나 문자 그대로 한반도와 말라카 그리고 두
지역 사이의 공간을 다층으로 재현합니다. 프레임은 여러 층의 이미지들을 담고 있어 보는 이가 방랑하는
시선으로 탐험하게 합니다. 데카르트적 지리학 세계 대신 수백 년에 걸쳐 쌓인 방대한 이미지들을 면밀히
살펴봄으로써 이야기의 가닥을 만듭니다. 시공간으로 분리된 — 뜻밖의 우연, 시각, 역사로 묶인 — 해상
역사 간의 연결성을 상상함으로써 우리는 또 다른 세계 지도를 조립합니다.
All the Lands Within the Seas: The Storytelling Card Game

Sail the seas of Melaka and beyond with this narrative storytelling game. Your goal is simple: win multiple rounds, gain the highest score, and establish your legacy as the best tukang cerita of All the Lands Within the Seas!
At a glance, All the Lands Within the Seas: The Card Game is:
⚜︎ A storytelling card game that will take you on a narrative journey through the twists and turns of global history
⚜︎ A beautiful, intricately detailed series of historical images restored and reproduced in stunning full colour
⚜︎ An exercise in close-looking, creativity and inventiveness among you and your friends
The game contains:
⁃ 95 cards, measuring 7.5x11cm
⁃ 87 historical images drawn from archives related to Melaka
⁃ Instructions for gameplay
At a glance, All the Lands Within the Seas: The Card Game is:
⚜︎ A storytelling card game that will take you on a narrative journey through the twists and turns of global history
⚜︎ A beautiful, intricately detailed series of historical images restored and reproduced in stunning full colour
⚜︎ An exercise in close-looking, creativity and inventiveness among you and your friends
The game contains:
⁃ 95 cards, measuring 7.5x11cm
⁃ 87 historical images drawn from archives related to Melaka
⁃ Instructions for gameplay